Squid SDK

Indexers for production dApps

Squid SDK is a modular toolkit for high-performance indexing. Powered by SQD Network developers can focus solely on their dApps’ custom data needs.

Mine the tx data from millions of wallets
export const processor = new EvmBatchProcessor()

const wallets: Set<string> = loadWallets()
// wallets.size can be very large (tested at 1.4M)

processor.run(new TypeormDatabase(), async (ctx) => {
  for (let block of ctx.blocks) {
    for (let txn of block.transactions) {
      if (wallets.has(txn.from)) {
        // process a txn initiated by the wallet
      if (txn.to && wallets.has(txn.to)) {
        // process a txn directed to the wallet
Track USDC Transfers in real time

export const processor = new EvmBatchProcessor()
    range: {from: 6_082_465},
    topic0: [usdcAbi.events.Transfer.topic],
    log: {
      transactionHash: true,

Real time data is fetched from a chain node RPC; a Database object with hot blocks support is required to store it .

Extract all Transfers to/from vitalik.eth
export const VITALIK_ETH_TOPIC = 

export const processor = new EvmBatchProcessor()
    topic0: [erc20abi.events.Transfer.topic],
    topic2: [VITALIK_ETH_TOPIC],

All Transfer (address,address,uint256) will be captured, including ERC20 and ERC721 transfers and possibly events with the same signature made with other protocols.

Index the AAVE Pool tx data, decoding the event logs
export const AAVE_CONTRACT = 
export const processor = new EvmBatchProcessor()
  .setBlockRange({ from: 11_362_579 })
    to: [AAVE_CONTRACT],
    logs: true,
    transaction: {
      value: true,
      sighash: true,
    log: {
      transactionHash: true,

Including events emitted by other contracts. Get ETH value involved in each call.

Index all NFT mints
export const processor = new EvmBatchProcessor()
    topic0: [usdcAbi.events.Mint.topic],
    transaction: true,
    transaction: {
      gasUsed: true,
Index all DEX trading pairs and Swap events
export const FACTORY_ADDRESSES = [

const SWAP_TOPIC = 

export const processor = new EvmBatchProcessor()
  .setBlockRange({ from: 586_851 })
    topic0: [PAIR_CREATED_TOPIC],
    topic0: [SWAP_TOPIC],
    log: {
      transactionHash: true,
Index internal contract calls and traces
const BAYC_ADDRESS = '0xbc4ca0eda7647a8ab7c2061c2e118a18a936f13d'

export const processor = new EvmBatchProcessor()
  .setBlockRange({ from: 12_287_507 })
    type: ['call'],
    callTo: [BAYC_ADDRESS],
    transaction: true,
    address: [BAYC_ADDRESS],
    transaction: true,
    trace: {
      callTo: true,
      callFrom: true,
      callSighash: true,

Call traces will expose any internal calls to BAYC by other contracts. Also retrieves all changes to contract storage state.

Mine all NFT contracts ever deployed
export const processor = new EvmBatchProcessor()
    type: ['create'],
    transaction: true,
    topic0: [erc721.events.Transfer.topic],
    trace: {
      createResultCode: true, // for checking ERC721 compliance
      createResultAddress: true,

All contract creations are scraped; they will be checked for ERC721 compliance in the batch handler. All ERC721 Transfer events are scraped so that they can be filtered and binned by the contract in the batch handler.

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...and 150+ more

Squid SDK at a Glance

Powered by SQD Network

No archive nodes needed. Efficient, low-maintenance, P2P, and reliable.


Backfill historical data from any blockchain at tens of thousands of blocks per second.

Index blockchain data from EVM, Solana, Substrate, and Fuel virtual machines.

Modify and extend the SDK as neccessary.

Including PostgreSQL, Google BigQuery, and a range of file systems including Parquets and CSVs.

Index data across any combination of chains.

Serve data on an API endpoint out-of-the-box.

Configure, deploy and manage your indexers from SQD’s CLI tool.

Deploy to SQD cloud or on premises.

Fast binary data codecs and type-safe access to decoded data.

Pluggable and extensible design.

Build your first indexer in 5 minutes

Install the SQD CLI, clone a template appropriate for your use case, and have a working indexer running on SQD Cloud.

Talk to an expert

Book a call with a member of the SQD team. Alternatively, reach out to us at contact@subsquid.io

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