SQD’s modular indexing endgame

Over the next 12 months, SQD will make self-sovereign Web3 data access at a petabyte scale possible.
Rapid & trustless real-time onchain data access, including unfinalized blocks.
No RPC dependence for historical or real-time use cases at near-zero latency.
Q3 2024
Gateway 2.0
Allows anybody to provide datasets to the network.
Onchain metadata allows anyone to verify the status of datasets in SQD network.
Start Q4 2024
Fully-decentralized APIs deployed to an AVS or on client-side production environments.
PostgreSQL replaced by SQLite enabling light indexers for dApps and more.
Q4 2024
Light Squids
Trustless validation of data for historical and real-time use cases (indexers, AI agents, oracles, etc.)
Choose your validation method: ZK for higher security, TEE for speed  and low costs
H1 2025
Data Validation via 
ZK Proofs & TEEs
Get answers to advanced queries from the SQD Network decentralized data lake.
H1 2025
SQL Support

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Read the Whitepaper

SQD Network enables permissionless and embarrassingly cost-efficient access to petabytes of high-value Web3 data at scale.

Read Here

Talk to an expert

Book a call with a member of the SQD team. Alternatively, reach out to us at contact@subsquid.io

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